About The NVHCEF

The Nicola Valley Health Care Endowment Foundation (NVHCEF) is a registered charity dedicated to raising funds for health care in British Columbia's Nicola Valley. 


The foundation, incorporated in 1984, provides funding to the Nicola Valley Hospital and Health Centre, Gillis House, the Berta Fraser Centre, and other health care initiatives. The Foundation also spearheads fundraising for projects throughout the Nicola Valley, focusing primarily on equipment and facilities, such as the emergency room and other programs unique to the Nicola Valley. Our goal is to enhance the level of care Interior Health and other community partners provide for you, your family, and your friends now and in the future.


The NVHCEF is committed to continue raising funds for crucial patient care equipment and facilities not funded by government. Each year the foundation raises approximately $100,000 for these needs, and even more for special projects. Our donors come together with one goal in mind - to improve the health and lives for those who enter our health care system in the Nicola Valley.


Did you know? The NVHCEF owns the land around the hospital and is committed to ensuring it will be used for health care in perpetuity. You can read the whole story on our blog.


Our Board of Directors

Margaret Carlson

Jim Gardner

Jerry Sanders

Joan Wheeler

Kathryn Olsen

Richie Gage

Jean Perog

Peter Moyes

Susan Norgaard

Joanne Easdown

Our meetings are also attended by a liaison of the Nicola Valley Health Care Auxiliary, currently president Betty Doberstein.


For more information, please contact us. You can also share this page with anyone who wants to know more about what the foundation does and how they can get involved